Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Jewelry Cookies!

A few years ago, when I started this online cookie adventure, 
I came across an amazing baker...Marielle of De Koekenbakkers!

Marielle is simply amazing.  
Her designs are elegant and brilliant and gorgeous and everything I hope to be one day!

I have this little dream of sitting in her bright, sunny kitchen and watching her work.
But.....she's in the Netherlands....soooooo, I'll have to settle for swooning over all her pictures.

After a year or so of stalking admiring her work,
 I mustered up the courage to ask permission to recreate her jewelry cookies.
(One of my best girlfriends is a jewelry designer and I'd always wanted to make these for her!)

She said YES!!!!

Then I procrastinated for another 6 months because....well, that's just what I do.

Before I show you the cookies I made, here are lots of lovely links for Marielle!!

De Koekenbakkers-

Please go visit her and show her lots of love!!!

Alright, here are my jewelry cookies, 100% inspired by Marielle!

Not only were these a lot of fun to make, I learned a lot too.

I used disco dust for the first time, 
and I can't remember ever decorating cookies without any flood icing!

Thanks Marielle for the inspiration, can't wait to see what you make next!

I used Lilaloa's chocolate cookie recipe!
click HERE for the recipe!

Thanks for stopping by! Lizy B
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  1. Thank you so much Elizabeth!! I totally forgot about these cookies and your request. You really give me way too much credit. Your Jewelry cookies are absolutely gorgeous and you really made them your own. Love the colour combination.
    If you are ever in the 'neighbourhood' your are more than happy to sit in my kitchen as long as you want! I would love to meet you one day and bake/decorate cookies together!! For now I will follow you and keep in touch through FB and your blog. xxx Marielle

  2. How CUTE!!! I love the little stud earring cookies!!! They are just ADORABLE!!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous, Elizabeth! :)

  4. GORGEOUS!! That is my kind of jewelry!!

  5. Such incredibles details ! They are wonderful, Lizy. Really.

  6. Those are adorable Elizabeth.....awesome job!!! Thank you so much for sharing at Best of the Weekend. Have a wonderful week!

  7. Hi Elizabeth! I just wanted to stop by to thank you for sharing these beautiful goodies at Best of the Weekend! They are one of my picks and will be featured at the party tomorrow night! Thank you so much for joining us and hope to see you tomorrow night. Have a happy Friday! :)

  8. Dear Lizy, These cookies are so pretty and such an adorable idea for a birthday party or even a tea party. Love it! Saw your feature on Best of the Weekend and so happy I did..now following. Blessings, Catherine


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